ever hated the world just because of a person you despised so much?
well.. i do NOW!!! *hmph* i hate levin cuevas and carmina reyes's guts.
and i broadcast it all because of the damages they've caused, especially to mikka my anak-anakan. and i literally HATE, HATE, HATE, HAAAATE them! weird freaks! and the nerve, how could they call mikka a bitch when their the ones acting like some?! and why, why in the world would you factually DENY claiming that you presume mikka as one when you've repetitiously indicated it indirectly?
and HOW YOU DARE CALL MIKKA A BITCH! effing jerks!
to the stupid boyfriend, levin cuevas.. i just think you're such a big LOO-HOO-ZERR!!! well, as you've always been. you're just one insignificant effing jerk. hey, don't blame me, you're the one who coined the "insignificant" world for yourself... duh-uhhh... stupid!
remember how i said that i loved my life and that you shouldn't shit all over it so it wouldn't be shitty enough for me to hate it?
well, these two people (or shall i say, animals)seemed to haven't understood. couldn't blame them anyway for being so dumb. weh.
pardon the princessa.