*never find a love like this*
surely, nobody won't. :D
summer lahveeng, anyone?
*tagal naman xc muwi. :(*
the girl had grace, distinction. her face was not notably pretty; yet she had a tantalizing charm, all the more compelling because it was an inner quality, an achievement of the spirit. the lure was the of naturalness, of an alert vitality of mind and body, of a thoughtful, sunny temper, and of piquant perverseness which is sauce to charm. - "dead stars", p.m. benitez
My name is Maria Francesca Domenica Trinidad Estrada. People call me Nikki, but that still depends if they know me or not. 2nd child of an artist and a bookworm. I myself am a bookworm. An artist in her own right. A writer. An aspiring journalist. Procrastinator. Dairy freak. Loves life. Loves Rob. Loves the world.üÜ
surely, nobody won't. :D
summer lahveeng, anyone?
*tagal naman xc muwi. :(*
The Great Princess Wikki has written at 6:16 PM
0 kiss, kiss...
How to make a princess nikki |
Ingredients: 3 parts friendliness 5 parts silliness 1 part joy |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little fitness if desired! |