today's the start of everything else. away from pains, pressures (well not entirely), and a big change to embrace the newly reformatted nikki estrada.ü
if ever things go bad, i just sing daniel powter's bad day and everything's gonna be all right.ü
i still hate pusa for being such a bitch. well, factually she is and am not afraid to say so. so, sorry sha bigtime.
and i still have to avoid some people. in a civil way, say hi or hey or whatever... but it ain't the same anymore.
i despise myself at times for being a weakling at times... but THIS time, it's byebye to YOU muna then i'll just see you when i see you.
for now, let's get started on life... AGAIN.ü
i wonder why mister antisocial-slash-isnabero-slash-cutie sees me way front. he's just soooo intriguing!!!ü
i love life. very much.üÜ