Someday i'll fly, someday i'll soar; someday i'll be so damn much more: 'cause i'm bigger than my body gives me credit for.

Friday, May 13, 2005

*the pizazz of being the "princessa"...*

well, well.. here i am again.. updating, doing nothing just to cool my head of this darn summer heat wave...ü damn, it IS hot!ü anyway, i got to think about myself lately.. is there anything i should be aware of? i mean, not in the stupid way, but i have been thinking lately about me.. me, and more of me. not that i am conceited or anything, but isn't it about time that i did give myself some credit?ü

i am second in a brood of eight. my patience can run for years. i am an ice cream addict. i love cheese, chocolate and i am the FAT SOCIETY'S WALKING INSULT.üüü i'd tell people that "but oh, nagpapakataba ako eh", and they'd raise their eyebrows with that incredulous "whaaaat?!" answer.ü i am also a hypermnesiac, it's good; but sometimes it does give you a pain in the butt. i hate math, i can never love that subject. i love literature, damn... i'd want to be someone like jessica zafra or nick joaquin. i can write by cramming.. not everybody can.ü haha, i am photogenic, so they say.. wakeke, but that doesn't make me pretty, after all.ü i love people... not that i am epal... haha, i know what you're thinking.. but i just love making friends.ü i have this honor.. oh, nevermind.ü i love life.. it has a million-and-one downs but i still can manage to go through it.ü

and yeah, i still love pEz. funny but true, but he is the best i'd ever had.üüü

too bad things aren't they way they are anymore... but thank God He has given us the time and space and memories enough to make us friiends for life.ü that's a promise.ü


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